“Mud is for making things.”  Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks



If you are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer…
If you’re a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in !
Come in !

By Shel Silverstein

What’s with the Mudpies?

When I was little, my exasperated mother used to yell, “Go outside and play!”

I hated it! But today I realize playing outside was the very thing that awakened my innate, treasured talents and purpose. 

Forced into facing a dismal city landscape and feeling jailed, I instinctively went into survival mode.  I HAD to feel happy!  Transform my experience!  

Something inside urged me to look at my surroundings with new eyes. I noticed: some weeds and rocks were kind of pretty; and some of the dirt was dark, rich, and glistening with the teeniest bits of colored glass…

My chest burst with fireworks!  Inspired, fueled with blazing curiosity, I began scavenging and gathering the best bits. I had no idea why or what I was going to do with them. I just knew I loved the process and knew I was going to CREATE SOMETHING - something beautiful!  I lost all sense of time as I happily sculpted MUDPIES.  

Playing in the messy unknown led me straight to my inner knower, the transformation artist I was born to be.  It’s a pattern that has served me well.

Today I’m a certified body-centered life coach, facilitator, and mentor.  Specializing in transitions, I’m energized by people in the throes of life’s “dismal landscapes.” I easily meet them where they are, and create a safe, comfortable space to be, express, and explore.  Grounded and often playful, I’m fully present, attuned, and curious, always gathering their “prettiest bits.” I don’t know what’s inside them waiting and wanting to be born, but I AM CERTAIN it’s something beautiful.  

Linda Wellenbach
Owner, Mudpie Magic