Lost in expression, we're found

Writings by Linda Wellenbach

Exploring peace, power and purpose.

Balance equals experience in, expression out.
— Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks

Posts tagged Elder caregiving
The Pity Party Vortex

When I was a little girl, “pity parties” - whining, complaining, blaming somebody else for my behavior - were not allowed. My parents were hardworking, ambitious depression kids on the rise. They were hopeful, grateful, faithful, and proudly self-reliant. They seldom missed an opportunity to remind me and my brother that people in Africa were starving, and not everybody had their own bed, clean water, food on the table, or toys. We were to work hard, “suck it up,” be grateful for everything- even those damned Spam and butter sandwiches ! - and “go out and make it a good day.”

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